Трябва ли да купите смартфон на детето си?
The decision of allowing your child to use a mobile phone isn't an easy one. Although the benefits of technology can be enticing to youngsters, they can fall into a rabbit hole as Alice experienced when they got the smartphone. The battle quickly escalates between parents and children over screens and screen time. Cell phones quickly become an extension of the child's hands with video games, online games social media, and texts. Of course, there's Pandora's box that smartphones open. Sexting, cyberbullying, Trolls, inappropriate material stalking, privacy issues, social media, and health issues are all real problems after your child has an electronic device. Even with all the negatives, there are some benefits that kids should own.
Причини, поради които студентите трябва да получат смартфон
Преподавателска отговорност
A smartphone is a pricey device and an honor to own one. Teens are learning important responsibility lessons with an electronic device. It is their responsibility to keep their phone secure and not get damaged or lost. Children also learn to remain inside their phone's data or text limits. To help teach children the value of responsibility, parents must keep their teens and tweens accountable when they have issues with their phones such as exceeding their data limits losing, misplacing, or damaging mobile phones.
Свързване с приятели и семейство
Смартфоните се използват често за комуникация с приятели и организиране на срещи. Не е тайна, че способността за общуване предлага много предимства за всички възрастови категории. Може да бъде изключително полезно за учениците, когато имат проблем и се нуждаят от помощ от родител или възрастен човек. Проучването също така показа, че учениците, които имат смартфон, ще учат по-ефективно от учениците, които не притежават такъв. Тук не става въпрос само за повече време за учене; но също така изисква добри учебни практики и проследяване на записи, за да преценят къде може да се наложи да свършат повече работа.
Всеки има нужда от забавление
Студентите са сред най-запалените геймъри в обществото. Тъй като са млади и активни, те се интересуват повече от развлечения, филми и игри, отколкото потребителите на смартфони от всяка друга възрастова група. Един добре проектиран смартфон може да премахне изискването да носите допълнителен iPod за възпроизвеждане на музика или Gameboy, за да се наслаждавате на игри. Въпреки че възможностите за игри на смартфони може да не са на същото ниво като игровите конзоли, обаче с бързата модерна технология смартфоните ще могат да осигурят страхотни възможности за игри само след няколко години.
Even if your middle or high school does provide students with planners, the majority of them do not use them. The traditional planner is typically kept in the locker or backpack and won't be returned until the last day of school. Smartphones are an excellent option to help keep kids on track. Calendars of the family can be shared to let kids know what times their appointments are and when they're expected to be practicing. The reminders can be set to remind them of homework, for studying for exams or even reminding them to keep the retainer in.
Teens might be thrilled to get their driver's license, however, it's an extremely stressful experience for parents. The installation of a GPS tracker such as that of the 360 App allows parents to monitor their child's location using their smartphone. The app also offers regular updates on your teenager's driving. This lets you monitor whether they're driving safely even when you're not in the vehicle. In addition, is that it allows you to know the location of your children. Teens might be hesitant and think of the app as stalking however, it's really to protect them.
As you see, giving your child a mobile phone is a great idea. Numerous benefits can be derived from this, so you shouldn't view this idea from a negative perspective. Make sure to test and keep track of their phone usage to ensure they're not hooked up all day long. If you are searching for a good smartphone, you should try смартфон хуавей since the company produces excellent products today.